Term 1, Week 6B - Monday 10th March, 2025
What's On This Week
Principal's Report
From the Assistant Principal
Faith, Mission & Learning
Key School Notices
Learning Logistics and Pathways
Primary Curriculum & Wellbeing
Secondary Curriculum
Primary Sport
Aboriginal Student Pathways
St Raph's Parents & Friends
Council of Catholic School Parents
Community Connections
What's On This Week
2026 Enrolments Open
24 Feb 2025 - 11 Apr 2025 |
Week 6 B
10 Mar 2025 - 14 Mar 2025 |
12 Mar 2025 - 24 Mar 2025 |
Week 7 A
17 Mar 2025 - 21 Mar 2025 |
St Raph's P&F Meeting
All day |
St Patrick's Day
All day Recurring event |
Celebrating Indian Culture - Sharing Experience
All day |
Festival of International Understanding
21 Mar 2025 - 23 Mar 2025 |
Primary Assembly
All day |
Principal's Report

Dear Parents and Carers,
Last Wednesday St Raph’s school joined our St Raphael’s Parish to commemorate Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is important as it marks the beginning of Lent which is a significant time of prayer, almsgiving and fasting. Our students displayed exemplary reverence, we could not be more proud of our students embracing our Catholic values and traditions. At the conclusion of Mass, students received their Project Compassion boxes. This is an excellent initiative to support the lives of others. Already various Homerooms have devised ways to raise money such as cake stalls.
NAPLAN commences this week for Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. It is important that parents support us in highlighting that students only need to try their best. It is not something to be afraid of. The test gives us an insight into the support each teacher can give to each student individually. Whilst NAPLAN is only one data set we use to support student learning, it is a comprehensive data set. We want all students to feel confident that no matter what, every student can learn and every student can improve.
Our 17 EVET students from Years 9 and 10 are enjoying their early commencement Certificate II course in Foundation Skills for the Workplace and together with their trainers, are are working together as a group towards a major project. Their project involves various elements of planning, marketing, applications and risk assessments and the students are taking the project extremely seriously. The students love their new learning and are approaching all tasks with a mature sense of process, communication, procedure and formality.
David Kang once again has impressed selectors by being selected into the CCC NSW Open Golf Team. He has beaten students up to 17 years old. This is a huge achievement for a Year 7 student. In fact only students from Years 10-12 are normally selected. Bravo David!
Over the last years there has been an appeal from all stakeholders for metalwork to be added to our curriculum. Well, we are getting very near to actioning this. We are super excited and will share our progress towards our metalwork room very soon. We have also been given the green light to put quotes in to totally resurface our primary playground. We will give you updates as we receive them.
Last week we hosted Cowra Rotary Club for breakfast. We will continue to host Rotary breakfasts every term. Rotary gives our students enormous support such as Ellie Thompson who recently received $10000 towards her first year at university. We are thrilled that we can give back to Rotary for all the support they give our students.
Last week I had the privilege of attending the Year 11 Retreat at St Clement's Retreat and Conference Centre. It was an amazing venue for our students, and an important time to reflect, discuss and build the connections of support as they continue their Year 11 study.
Have a fabulous week!
God Bless,
Michelle Deschamps - Principal
From the Assistant Principal

This last week was a very important week at St Raphael's as we celebrated Ash Wednesday Mass together. Father Dong spoke about the importance of giving and the importance of developing relationships with each other that helps us grow and develop. St Raphael's is proud of its Catholic traditions and part of this is giving to those less fortunate than us. Every year we raise money for Project Compassion so that we can help and understand others who may need that helping hand. This understanding is important for our students because it makes them look at “the other”. Teenagers especially can fall into the trap of not looking beyond their own experiences and existence and this Lenten period we will be asking them to look at others who are less fortunate through no fault of their own and that by giving even small amounts we can make a difference. That's the message I would like our students to take on, it does not take much time, effort or money to make a difference in other people’s lives but the rewards can be life changing.
This week is a week of transition. I want everyone in our community to know what a wonderful school we have at St Raph’s. It is the school of choice because of the dedicated staff and wonderful opportunities we can offer every single student who enrols at our school. This week we have a transition Day for Year 6 into Year 7 with students gaining a taste of what to expect at our senior campus and then we have an information evening for parents to come in and learn more about what we do here at St Raph’s. Then on Wednesday we have a Kindergarten Information session for 2026 that also outlines our wonderful school. So we are being extremely proactive in our enrolment strategy this year because we believe that St Raphael's Catholic School provides a holistic education for all of our students.
David Wickham - Assistant Principal

Faith, Mission & Learning

Lent is a sacred season of preparation, a time for us to reflect on our faith, repent from sin, and draw closer to God through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. It lasts for forty days, mirroring Jesus’ time of fasting and temptation in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11). This period calls believers to spiritual renewal, self-examination and a deeper reliance on God’s grace.
One of the central themes of Lent is repentance—turning away from sin and returning to God with a sincere heart. In Joel 2:12-13:
‘Even now, declares the Lord, return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning. Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love.’
This passage reminds us that Lent is not just about outward observances but about inner transformation. It is an opportunity to detach from worldly distractions and focus on what truly matters - our relationship with God and each other.
Lent ultimately leads to the joy of Easter, where Jesus is resurrected three days after his crucifixion. This year, as we observe Lent within the Year of Hope, we are reminded that even in the midst of suffering and sacrifice, hope is at the heart of our faith. Hope sustains us and strengthens our trust in God’s promises.
In embracing the Lenten journey with hope, we trust that God is working in our lives, transforming our hearts and leading us toward His eternal love.
Gabrielle Bruin - Leader of Faith, Mission & Learning

Project Compassion
In alignment with the Lenten call to almsgiving, Caritas Australia has launched Project Compassion 2025 with the theme “Unite Against Poverty.” Students are taking cash donations in class, and an alternative option to donate is available online and via the QR code provided. Every dollar we raise will help to create real and lasting change for vulnerable communities around the world! Thank you for standing with St Raph's, as we Unite Against Poverty through Project Compassion this Lent https://fundraise.

Key School Notices

Wear Blue for World Autism Day - Wednesday 2nd April
World Autism Awareness Day is an international observance dedicated to raising awareness about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and promoting acceptance, inclusion, and support for individuals with autism. This day is an opportunity to educate the public about the challenges and strengths of those on the autism spectrum, to celebrate the contributions of individuals with autism, and to advocate for greater understanding and acceptance within society.
St Raphael’s will raise awareness and show support as a whole school by wearing blue accessories on Wednesday 2nd April 2025.

Kindergarten Drop Off Times
From Monday 17th March (Week 7) onwards, Kindergarten student arrival and departure times will be as per regular school bell times (8:50am Fruit Break / 9am Primary Lines to 3:10pm) Regular School Bell times are 8:50am - 3:10pm
To complete the transition to school process, Parents are now asked to say goodbye to their children at the top of the driveway. For the remainder of the term, a staff member and some guardian angels will be at the gate ready to meet the kindy students. The guardian angels will then accompany them to the primary playground. We ask parents to talk to the children regarding the new drop off routine to prepare them for the final transition to school.

Learning Logistics and Pathways
Weeks 6, 7 & 8 is NAPLAN time for Years 3, 5, 7 & 9. For more information on the structure of NAPLAN, see this information from the Department of Education. https://www.nap.edu.au/naplan/

All Secondary students have access to Career Tools (a fantastic resource to help you with all things careers). Parents / carers may also access the site to help them.
I would encourage parents and carers to explore this site’s valuable resources and discuss options and ideas with your child.
Students and parents / carers are welcome to contact Mr Lette for advice and assistance relating to careers / tertiary study at any time.
Students: Please email me or see me at recess or lunch to arrange a time to discuss your future. Please note, all senior students will have numerous one to one career planning meetings with me over Year 12. I will arrange these on a rotational basis, during lunchtimes and study periods.
Parents: Please contact the school office to arrange an appointment: (02) 63 42 2940
Mr David Lette - Leader of Learning Logistics & Pathways
Primary Curriculum & Wellbeing

Positive Behaviours
Congratulations to our students who have been consistently receiving positive feedback for playground and classroom behaviours and effort. It is very pleasing to see such a large number of students striving to be the best that they can be. We ask parents and guardians to support their children with their learning by reading through and discussing the Positive Behaviour Guidelines document.
This fortnight, we will be focusing on waiting safely and responsibly at bus lines. Teachers will be sharing these guidelines with our students.
- Promptly exit the school building after the home time bell sounds
- Sit calmly at your allotted seat - no ball games
- Mobile phones may only be used (to clarify pick up details) after checking in with the bus duty teacher
- Always let the duty teacher know if you need to leave lines to use the bathroom
- Listen carefully for the bus to be called
- Wear a hat when waiting for the bus. (during Terms 1 and 4)
- Students will wait inside the gate when the bus is called
- Students will walk to the bus when directed by the teacher
- Students will be respectful to the bus driver

Shrove Tuesday
1 Gold students dived into the traditions of Shrove Tuesday, a special day that marks the start of Lent. Shrove Tuesday, also known as Pancake Day, is traditionally a time to use up rich ingredients like eggs, milk, and sugar before the fasting period of Lent begins.
To bring their learning to life, our students enjoyed a delicious treat—fluffy pancakes! This hands-on experience helped them understand the meaning behind this tradition while adding a sprinkle of fun and flavour to their day. What a wonderful way to blend learning, faith, and a little bit of sweetness!

Year 6 Mathematics
Every Friday Year 6 focus on another Math problem solving strategy. One is demonstrated, next the class try some examples in set thinking teams and the following weeks the students choose an entry point to practise this strategy. The entry point can be either: mild, hot or spicy, depending on their level of confidence!

Secondary Curriculum

Yr 11 Ancient History
On Thursday 6th March, Yr 11 Ancient History travelled to Canberra to immerse themselves in the Ancient Pompeii exhibition, currently on display at the Australian National Museum.
Pompeii is an extraordinary new multi-sensory immersive experience that combines a spectacular 360-degree recreation of the volcanic eruption with more than 90 objects from the ancient city.
Pompeii is eternally fascinating. The eruption of the volcano of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE destroyed the Roman city, but also preserved it. For almost 300 years, excavations have been revealing what life was like in Pompeii. New excavations in the archaeological park set out to preserve, stabilise and better understand new areas of the ancient city.
Archaeologists continue to make extraordinary new discoveries – large houses with elaborate frescoes and mosaic floors, household objects and a snack bar with food still in pots. Pompeii is the first time some of these newly discovered objects have been seen outside Europe.
Our students engaged with stunning frescoes, jewellery, sculptures, pottery and other intriguing objects representing everyday life. In true St Raph’s form, our tour guide praised the interest and behaviour of our students as “the best school group I have ever shown through a display at the museum”. Well done ladies!
Special thanks to Mrs Keefe for accompanying us on such a wonderful excursion.
Mr Lette - Class Teacher

Primary Sport
Southern Region Swimming Carnival
St. Raphael's Cowra had 30 swimmers qualify for the Southern Region Swimming Carnival held in Orange in Week 4. We performed very well, with 10 swimmers progressing to this week's Diocesan Carnival in Dubbo tomorrow. Two of our competitors won Age Champions at the Regional Carnival. Grace Kelly-Shepherd - 12 Year Girl Champion and Beau Tremble - 12 Year Boy Champion. Congratulations and best wishes to our swimmers travelling to Dubbo. A special thank you also to the parents who helped with time keeping. Schools can't run these events without the help of parents, putting their hands up to volunteer, ensuring that the day runs smoothly. We appreciate it.

Winter Sports Trials
Last week, we held trials at school for students wishing to attend the Winter Sports Trials in Bathurst on the 28th March. We had approximately 35 children trial in the sports of Soccer, Rugby League, Rugby Union and Netball. The Diocesan trials are serious and competitive, definitely not "feel good", "everyone gets a certificate" gala days. We are told to only send students who are competent and skilled in their chosen sport. We are therefore pretty strict on who progresses. We don't want to waste parent's and student's time and money when they don't have the skill level required to be considered for further progression into higher teams. We have about 14 students who will now head to Bathurst on the Friday of Week 8 for Soccer, Netball and Rugby League. Rugby Union hold their Diocesan Trial later in the year.
2024 Year Book
The 2024 Year Book is now available for allocation - 1 per family (as enrolled in 2024). Year books will be allocated via the eldest/only student, and if your eldest/only child at St Raph's is in infants and primary, they have been given their Year Books on Friday, and they have been sent home with your child. Secondary students who are the eldest or only child enrolled at St Raph's are invited to collect their family's 2024 Year Book from the school office at their earliest convenience.
Scholastic Book Club
Issue #2 of Scholastic Book Club has been issued to Infants and Primary students, with orders due online, or brought into the school office by Friday 21st March.

2025 School Fees
School fees have been generated, and statements sent out on 28th February 2025, with first instalments due 14th March (unless you have a payment plan or direc debit in place). Payment options will be listed on your statement, which will be sent to all account holders via email.
For your convenience, we offer the option of paying via direct debit. This is a handy set and forget option to ensure your school fees are paid off in full by the conclusion of the school year. If you wish to set this up, forms are available at the school office.
Additionally, account holders who hold a Concession or Health Care Card may be eligible for a discount on their account. Please contact the school to discuss this option further.
Should you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at straphaels@bth.catholic.edu.au
Attendance Matters
Ensuring that students arrive at school on time every day is crucial for their academic success and wellbeing. Parents play a crucial role in instilling the importance of punctuality in their children. Here are some strategies for parents to make getting students to school on time every day a top priority:
- Establish a Consistent Routine. Set a daily routine that includes specific times for waking up, getting ready, having breakfast, and leaving for school. Consistency helps children and develop good habits.
- Model Punctuality. Children often learn by example. Demonstrate the importance of punctuality by being on time for family events, appointments, and other commitments.
- Limit or Have No Screen Time in the Morning. Minimise distractions such as excessive screen time in the morning. This helps your child stay focused on getting ready for school without unnecessary delays.
Identify any specific challenges or barriers that may be contributing to lateness. Whether it is difficulty waking up or disorganisation, addressing these issues can help improve punctuality.

Key Policies and Information
Please follow these links for information regarding key notices and policies impacting students, staff and families.
Collection Notice for Parents/Guardians - 2025 Residential Address and other Information
Media Release - Catholic School NSW Welcomes New Funding Agreement
Aboriginal Student Pathways
WRAS Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ID Program
The Western Region Academy of Sport (WRAS), in partnership with Underwriting Agencies Australia (UAA), will be holding the annual Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Talent ID Day in Orange 2025.
The event will be held at Orange PCYC on the 7th May.
The day will see young athletes engage with experienced and high calibre sporting coaches in sports such as rugby league, basketball, netball, and athletics. The exact sports featured will be determined by the students via the Google Form linked in the attached flyer.
This is a free event for all high school students turning 13-16 in 2025.
Highly qualified and experienced coaches in the sports on offer will look to identify athletes to then offer a spot at future WRAS Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island training events. Further, athletic performance in the physiological assessments (sprint, jump, body weight endurance) will also contribute to identification.
Selected athletes will be offered development through the WRAS network until the nomination and trial period for their identified sport becomes active. Selected athletes will need to trial as any other prospective athlete.
If athletes are successful at a trial, WRAS may offer a full or partial scholarship to assist with the cost of the sport. If athletes are unsuccessful, they will be instead invited to select training days on that sport’s calendar for technical and tactical development.
Families are encouraged to register directly with WRAS.

Week 6A
- Monday 10 March - VOLUNTEERS PLEASE
- Tuesday 11 March - VOLUNTEERS PLEASE
- Wednesday 12 March - VOLUNTEERS PLEASE
- Thursday 13 March - Anna Thirkell
- Friday 14 March -Leanne Twigg
Week 7B
- Monday 17 March - VOLUNTEERS PLEASE
- Tuesday 18 March - Jodie Toohey
- Wednesday 19 March - VOLUNTEERS PLEASE
- Thursday 20 March - VOLUNTEERS PLEASE
- Friday 21 March -Jessica Newcombe
If you would like to speak with Donna about joining the Canteen Volunteer team in 2025, or can fill any of our vacant spots, please call her on 0427 501 508 or register your interest here.
St Raph's Parents & Friends

Council of Catholic School Parents

Tell us about your experiences as a Catholic school parent
We value every parent's thoughts and opinions!
CCSP would like to know how involved/engaged you feel you are in your child's learning at a NSW/ACT Catholic school, how connected you feel in your child's school, and your thoughts on how schools could enhance family-school partnerships.
This data informs our parent learning program and provides us with valuable information about how our dioceses and schools are engaging with families.
Thank you so much for taking time out to give us your feedback.
Please click the link to go to the survey:
Welcome to Parent Talk
Term 1 Free Online eSafety Webinar
Community Connections